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Isaac Ogunmoriyele

Going down the history of the Israelites, there are times that they were faced with severe troubles just like the one at hand in Nigeria. There was a time that the nation was under the worst form of famine such that had never happened in all of her history. Nothing to eat or to spare, it was that bad that mothers were beginning to cook and eat their own children. But when God stepped in with His prophet, it took just a word and within 24hrs, it was over.

From history, whenever there was a crisis which the political arm could not solve or address, a prophet would emerge and lead the nation out of the crisis. The nation Nigeria is plagued with a series of crisis, ranging from; political, economic, industrial, religious, kidnapping, bandits, spiritual, and worst of it all is Covid-19.

We are indeed in a crisis, a situation where it is the political arm that is controlling, dictating to the Church when to, how to, and who and who that must gather to worship in the sanctuary of the living God, we don’t need an Angel to tell us that the Church has failed God.  Where are the prophets?

Oh! How can the prophets of today pray for the removal of the pandemic when majority of them are consultants to politicians, thieves, scoundrels, conmen and vagabonds in power. Many of them are prophets with affluence but no influence.

One thing is sure, God Will not forget His promise that gates of hell, politicians,and fake prophets Will not prevail over His Church, He will raise Prophets like the days of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, Prophet Samson Oladeji Akande, David Olulana Babajide and Timothy Obadare for this generation….

Pastor Isaac Ogunmoriyele Writes From Lagos.

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Julius Adegunna, a writer, and publisher of good news and reports. He is also a trainer in Writing and Publishing, a Media Consultant and an Entrepreneur. A 1987 Graduate of International Relations of the University of Ife, (Now Obafemi Awolowo University) with Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, and Master in Communication Studies of Lagos State University. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

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