Adapted from the message Because He lives
We have established in our previous message that we should expect challenges as Christians as children of God. In this concluding part we want to look at what we can do when those challenges come and knock at our door.
1.Trust and believe God
The first thing we need to do is to trust God and believe Him. As His children we must believe what our father says about us. Like he told Jeremiah of the thoughts He had towards him, His thoughts about us is of peace and not of evil, and to give us an expected end.
Jer 29:11, Number 23:19 says God is not a man, and He cannot lie. Let us trust Him and hold on to His promises. Prov 3 5-6.
- Do not complain? In holding unto God’s promises, He does not expect us to complain. He hates murmuring. We should understand what murmuring did to the Israelites in the wilderness. As Christians it is extremely dangerous to complain and murmur. Murmuring is an act of rebellion against God. It does not glorify Him in our life. So we must try not to murmur against God on our situations. Rather than murmur we should understand that our trials and challenges are to build us and move us closer to God. Number 11:4-10,26-30.
- Stay with God, be patient. One other thing the Lord requires from us when challenges and life troubles come is to maintain our calm and be patient, because He holds our tomorrow, He will meet us at the point of our needs. At His appointed time He will do what He has promised. Most of the times, God uses what we are passing through to take us to the next level. Remember Abraham and other heroes of the Bible (Gen. 12; Rom 8:28, Rom 12:12, Ps 46:10).
- Remain focused: The Bible tells us to look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. When life trouble comes our focus should be on God the solution to all problems. Remember Peter when he walked on the sea. He remained on the sea while he focused on Jesus. He began to sink when he shifted his attention away from Jesus. Matt 14:28-31, Heb 12:2a Prov. 5:1-2, Prov 4:25-27.
- Live above fear: Because He lives, He has given us power to live above fear. The bible says He has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love and of sound mind. 11Tim:1:7. Most times we are in fear for neglecting God. God requires us to always put Him into our thoughts and actions, to allay all fears. (1 Pet5:7-8).
- Encourage yourself in the Lord. Know for sure that none of our problems is above God. We can renew our courage in the Lord through searching of the scripture, in our prayers and in seeking for godly counsels. Remember King David in 1Sam 30. When it seemed all hopes had been lost, he encouraged himself in the Lord. (Matt6:25-30, Josh 1:9).
- The Rod in your hand – In all your life problem and challenges God has not left you without something. Yes there is something in your hand, He has in you His power and virtures. In the time of trouble look inward, look around you, use the last of the instruments in your hand. When you think you have nothing you have the inner strength of God, your ability to read and comprehend the word of God as well as the power of prayer. Use them, call upon Him, He will answer you and you will testify. (1Thess 5:17) tells us to pray without ceasing. (James 6:16, Phil 4:6, Psalm 18 :6, Isaiah 65:24) (11K ings 4.1-7).
- Never quit. In the battle of life don’t quit. It is said that he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. In another breath it is said “Winners don’t quit and quitters never win.” When the battle of life rages, do not quit. Many people quit when they bow to satanic powers, many quit when they fall for wrong advice, and many quit when they run away from God. Infact, some others quit when they eventually commit suicide. This is not the plan and purpose of God for our life. (11Chro 15:7, Phil 4:13, Ps 31:24, Gal 6:9, Phil 1:6 Isa. 40:31). Because He lives we can face tomorrow.
- Live a purpose driven life. Because He lives, God has given us the opportunity to live a purpose driven life. It is a life full of contentment, of peace, grace and mercy doing what God wants you to do. It is about being yourself.
You need not compare yourself with any other person. You need not be envious or jealous of others when you are doing what God wants you to do. At the right time He will prove Himself in your life and business. In doing what you need to do, be your best, be of good will and equip yourself with the right ideas and knowledge. (Col 3:23-24), Romans 12:11 tells us never to be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord. Prov 22:29.
- Live Beyond Death. God has given us power to live above death. What man fears most is about death. What we must understand is that Jesus has conquered death on our behalf when He rose from death. Even in death He has His promise for us. For us to live is to be relevant to God, and to die is to go and rest. Don’t fear death. We will not die before our time in Jesus name. (Phil. 1:21, John 14. 1-3)
Minister Adodo is of Christ Apostolic Church of America, Land of Restoration, Chicago Illinois, the United States of America.
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