At the break of the New Year 2020, we did not know what God had in stock for us when He called it Our Year of Endless Possibilities.
Without any doubt the year started on a good smooth take off, but surprising by February we have been hearing of echoes and drums of pestilence in other parts of the world. And in March coronavirus took a visit to Nigeria, Africa’s most populous black country.
There we are, several things took place and most important of it all was the total lockdown of Nigeria, with Lagos taking the front seat. With corona lockdown, nobody could go out except those who were in very essential services. We were locked in.
For one full month I remained indoor, thinking, praying that the corona would take its leave and we would come back to business as usual. But alas, covid 19 was not going.
We had the first two weeks indoor, and second two weeks followed. It was becoming boring though it was like a fun in the early stage. I found myself among my neighbours, as the chairman of my Community Development Association, my people got used to me as I led in attending to some community based activities especially the struggle for palliatives. After four weeks at home, the situation was no more coming funning.
Meanwhile, under the lockdown all activities have been stopped. My primary consitutency was virtually clased. No church meetings, no programmes and no adverts, therefore no room for the production, distribution and sale of my PTLNews, The Christian Newspaper. Therefore there was the urgent need for a way out.
In my thinking, two options came to my mind on what to do to survive the time. One of such was to go online. In the past I had tinkered with this idea but the pressure and allure of sale of newspapers and the money that usually come with it shifted my attention.
A number of times I had websites, blogs and make some casual appearances on social media, but it never transformed to money. It is not the money that is most important but to be doing what God has called us to do.
With No Church, No Programme, No Advert, how do I survive? That was the question on my mind. Immediately I made up my mind of what to do I began with consultations. I contacted some of my friends, colleagues and all that I knew could be of use in this new task, and we zeroed in to building a website and I was linked with a developer.
In loneliness God speaks loud, God can use anything as an instrument of His message, even in a noisy environment nobody can prevent us from hearing what God wants to say. Nobody can stop God from saying what He wants to say. Even in coronavirus, covid 19, and its concomitant lockdown God has something to say.
I can equally recall that what gave birth to PTL NEWS way back in 1994 was the infamous cancellation of 1993 elections and the subsequent arrest of Chief M.K.O. Abiola, which threw Lagos and the western part of Nigeria into serious political crises, we were kept indoor by various crisis and problems, and that gave birth to PTLNEWS. Some of us must have heard or read this from us in the past.This time around with corona lockdown God did a new thing in our life in the family of PTLNEWS.
In many ways the lockdown came with its hidden blessings. It might not come in physical cash or direct rewards but God used it do a new thing. Praise be to His name
The lockdown opened the eyes of the world to the new and endless opportunities on the internet. Everybody was dragged to the virtual world. Business meetings, seminars and conferences shift online, political meetings and government businesses came online, and Church activites also go online, without giving a hoot too.
PTLNEWS, your Christian newspaper, after 25 solid years as a Christian print media shifts online. Online benefits cannot be over emphasised. It means a global presence. It brings us to every home all over the world, people can read it and now know what we do across the world.
Please it does not end with us, your contributions, supports and encouragement count. Now we can accommodate your programme, your stories, interviews, messages, pictures can enjoy a pride of place there. Therefore we urge you not to withdraw your hands of support, and we will not let you down too.
Glory to God in the highest Who has made this very possible. We will not take anything for granted and we will make the best use it offers. Please never hesitate to open Our mandate is to publish the news of the Christians, the trials, the triumphs, the challenges and the experiences in all spheres of life. As you open and read it, kindly and share it among your loved ones. It costs you nothing extra to do so.
“With God nothing shall be impossible”, and “We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.”
We will welcome your comments, advice and suggestions at all times. It is also open to your various programmes, activites and their adverts.
Even as we publish this the end to the corona experience is not yet in sight but let us do well by keeping to all our safety rules, and use our hand sanitisers, keeping safe distance and keeping ourselves away from trouble.We will live to tell the survival stories in Jesus Name.
Once again, we say thank you, we say God bless you, and we welcome you to our World of Endless possibilities. To God be the glory. Praise The Lord.
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