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Perhaps, taking cognizance of the various challenges and life problems faced by many people across the world, Christians inclusive, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has told his listeners and members of his Church on what to do to make God happy, and to live above and over the problems of their lives.

Speaking at the June special thanksgiving message via online transmission the pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in the world in his message titled Flying Over Mountains drawn from Isaiah 40 verses 28-31, likened the current problems faced by many to waiting upon the Lord.

Pastor Adeboye had likened the scenario to the relationship between Christians and God to that of the waiter and his special guest in a hotel or restaurant.

He said ,“God  is the Special Guest while the waiter is the christian. In a highly rated and standard hotel, a waiter does not only welcome the guest, he served him, give him water, food and everything to please him, and the guest having been well satisfied by his waiter would not leave without a tip. As Christians the way to treat God to please Him is to start by worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth, treat Him with honour by offering Him praise and to fully satisfy Him.”

Pastor Adeboye who cited many bible characters that satisfied God and made Him happy by their service to Him told Christians to always learn to make God happy by praising and worshiping Him and not by bombarding God with various requests.

“Like it is said that the customer is always right, God is the Guest of Honour, when a waiter satisfies a customer, he will not leave without a tip. When God gives a tip then you can fly over several mountains of life like mountain of failure, mountain of hunger, of barreness and even that of spiritual and physical lockdown.

“When Jesus appeared to Peter, Peter welcomed Him and allowed Jesus to use his boat, he allowed Him to sit down and preach, by this he has given Jesus water and food, and while Jesus was preaching Peter waited and Jesus, by the time He finished gave Peter a tip and he caught so many fish. If he had not waited to satisfy Jesus Peter wouldn’t have had anything to show for his labour. Make God happy if you want to fly over failure,” he emphasised.

In terms of living above hunger and lack, Pastor Adeboye cited the example of Prophet Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, and to overcome barreness, the man of God used the examples of the Shunamite woman and Abraham.

On how to satisfy God to overcome lockdown Daddy G. O. of The Redeemed using Paul and Silas as example said, “When they were both lockdown, they knew that God’s  food was praise, they gave it to Him in abundance and we all knew what followed? They were miraculously set free,” and on what Christians could do about the current global lockdown caused by Covid-19 pandemic, the man of God said the antidote was to praise God. He said “Thank God for what the government is doing. You cannot lock down the whole world forever. It will soon be over.

But what we can do now is to worship God and convert lockdown from liability to asset. Worship Him, you will fly over the mountain of lockdown. Also citing the example of the mad man of Gadarene, Pastor Adeboye called on the people to worship God in all situations and be set free.

“Are you in bondage? Do you have a problem that cannot be explained? If you wait on God correctly, if you please God, you can fly over the mountain of your life.  Elijah broke the law of death, Enoch pleased God and he never saw death. They did not see death because they satisfied God.

“When  prayer failed try praise. The bible says when the Lord shall return those alive will fly to meet Him, Jesus will wait in the air wait on Him, worship Him and you are likely to make it to the rapture.”

With the above explanation, Pastor Adeboye a man revered by all and seen as a father and a notable spiritual icon, then concluded that with praise he could access the gate of heaven.

He said “Per adventure I get to the gate of heaven and I am not allowed in, God forbid. I know what to do to get to heaven. I will not complain but worship God. By the time I begin to worship Him, God will ask who locked me out and He will command them to let me in and I will enter praising and worshiping Him.

He therefore rounded off by calling on sinners who want to make heaven and live over their life challenges to surrender their lives before they could worship God, and prayed for the grace to fly over the mountain of their lives in Jesus name.

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Julius Adegunna, a writer, and publisher of good news and reports. He is also a trainer in Writing and Publishing, a Media Consultant and an Entrepreneur. A 1987 Graduate of International Relations of the University of Ife, (Now Obafemi Awolowo University) with Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, and Master in Communication Studies of Lagos State University. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

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