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A Christian group in the name of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs has written a strongly worded letter to Dr. Abel Damina,warnibg him against what they called heretic teachings of the Bible and the Christian faith. Abel Damina is the Senior Pastor of Power City International headquartered in Uyo, Nigeria with extension Campuses across the globe.

In a letter personally signed by the Secretary of the group, Bishop Professor Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies with copies to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the body cautioned the controversial preacher, Abel Damina against further fallacious and heretical teachings of the Christian faith.

Bishop Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies, was a former female Presidential Candidate, a Communication expert, and a lecturer in Communication. She is married to Pastor Femi Adesanya.

Below are the details of the message sent to Dr. Damina which has gone viral.


TO: Dr. Abel Damina (Alias Global Papa)

FROM: Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA)

DATE: 15th. October, 2024


Dear Dr. Abel Damina,

We, at the Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA), have observed with dismay your current preachings and teachings of Biblical tenets and hereby write to express grave concern and caution regarding these your teachings, which have been brought to our attention. This letter also serves as a DISCLAIMER.

Heresy is, “a belief or opinion contrary to orthodox Christian doctrine and any belief, teaching or practice that explicitly undermines the gospel.” Heresies are “beliefs or teachings that deviate from established or orthodox doctrine, often considered contrary to the accepted teachings of a religion or faith.”

In Christianity, these include:

1. Arianism: Denies Jesus’ divinity.

2. Gnosticism: Emphasizes secret knowledge over faith.

3. Pelagianism: Rejects original sin and predestination.

4. Donatism: Questions validity of sacraments performed by unworthy clergy.

5. Monophysitism: Believes in single nature of Christ.

While we appreciate your passion for spreading the Gospel, we cannot ignore the alarming rate of theological errors and heresies in your messages, especially as it is now going viral on social media as hate speech and cyber crime against the Christian faith. Please note that, the Bible is not for philosophising, it’s the WORD OF GOD inspired of the Holy Ghost.

Specifically, we have issues with the following titles of your messages such as: “There is no heaven”,  “You don’t need God to Succeed”, “Jesus is not coming back”, “Heaven is scam”, “God is not responsible”, “Jesus Christ is not a Christian”, “Jesus Christ is God the Father and there is no trinity”,  “The Bible is not the Word of God”, “No to Holy communion” and “No to tithing”, etc.

We assert that, most of these your topics are mere fallacies and heretic, while the notions are mistaken beliefs, especially based on generalisations, self interpretation, personalised style, alarming sub-titles, and unsound arguments. For instance, in English, “the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy.” You also know this, but your preaching style is focused on attracting your audience through content creating hype rather than being correct and spiritual.

These teachings deviate from the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, contradicting the Holy Scriptures and the historic confessions of the faith. Your interpretations in most cases are also subjective to undermine the authority of Scripture, compromise the deity of Christ, and confuse the nature of our great salvation.

The core tenets of Christian faith include:


1. Trinity: One God in three persons – Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

2. Incarnation: Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine.

3. Salvation: Faith in Jesus Christ saves humanity from sin and its consequences.

4. Bible: Inspired, authoritative, and infallible scripture.

5. Creation: God created the universe and humanity.


1. Deity of Christ: Jesus is Lord and God with the Holy Spirit in Trinity.

2. Virgin Birth: Jesus born of Mary, conceived by Holy Spirit.

3. Atonement: Jesus’ death and resurrection redeem humanity.

4. Resurrection: Jesus rose bodily from the dead.

5. Second Coming: Jesus will return to judge and establish God’s kingdom.


1. Sin and Fallen Nature: Humanity’s rebellion against God.

2. Redemption: God’s plan to restore humanity through Jesus.

3. Faith and Works: Salvation by faith, demonstrated through works.

4. Church: Community of believers, body of Christ.

5. Sacraments: Baptism and Communion (Eucharist).


1. John 3:16 (Salvation)

2. Romans 3:23-24 (Sin and Redemption)

3. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (Resurrection)

4. Matthew 28:19 (Trinity)

5. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (Bible).


1. Catholicism

2. Eastern Orthodoxy

3. Protestantism (Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, etc.)

4. Evangelicalism

5. Pentecostalism.


1. Love (Matthew 22:37-40)

2. Forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15)

3. Humility and Respect (Philippians 2:3-8)

4. Compassion (Matthew 25:31-46)

5. Integrity (Proverbs 10:9).


1. Prayer

2. Worship

3. Bible Study

4. Communion

5. Baptism

6. Giving.

Here are some common errors in reasoning and argumentation that you have been involved in rather than humbly subjecting your interpretations to the help of the Holy Spirit.


1. Ad Hominem: Attacking the person, not the argument.

2. Strawman: Misrepresenting or exaggerating an opposing argument.

3. False Dilemma: Presenting only two options when there are more.

4. Slippery Slope: Assuming a chain of events without evidence.

5. Appeal to Authority: Using authority to support an unjustified claim.

6. Appeal to Emotion: Using emotions rather than logic.

7. Begging the Question: Assuming the truth of the conclusion.

8. Circular Reasoning: Using a conclusion as a premise.

9. Confirmation Bias: Selectively seeking supporting evidence.

10. Denying the Antecedent: Incorrectly concluding that a condition is false.


1. Hasty Generalization: Drawing conclusions from insufficient evidence.

2. Sweeping Generalization: Making overly broad statements.

3. Stereotyping: Applying group characteristics to individuals.


1. Ambiguity: Using unclear or vague language.

2. Equivocation: Using words with multiple meanings.

3. False Analogy: Comparing unlike things.

4. Faulty Causality: Assuming cause-and-effect without evidence.

5. Ignoring the Context: Omitting relevant information.

6. Misleading Vividness: Using vivid imagery to mislead.

7. Oversimplification: Simplifying complex issues.

8. Question-Begging Epithet: Using loaded language.

9. Red Herring: Introducing irrelevant information.

10. Unfounded Assumption: Assuming facts without evidence.


1. Anchoring Bias: Relying too heavily on initial information.

2. Availability Heuristic: Overestimating the importance of vivid information.

3. Bandwagon Effect: Following popular opinion.

4. Confirmation Bias: Seeking supporting evidence.

5. Hindsight Bias: Believing events were predictable.

6. Illusion of Control: Overestimating control over events.

7. Priming: Influencing thoughts or behaviors.

8. Selective Perception: Filtering information.

9. Self-Serving Bias: Attributing success to internal factors.

10. Sunk Cost Fallacy: Continuing investment due to past commitment.


1. Affirming the Consequent: Assuming a conclusion based on incomplete evidence.

2. Denying the Consequent: Incorrectly concluding that a condition is false.

3. Undistributed Middle: Assuming a conclusion based on incomplete evidence.

4. Illicit Major: Using an invalid premise.

5. Illicit Minor: Drawing an invalid conclusion.


1. Allusion: Referencing famous people or events.

2. Hyperbole: Exaggerating for emphasis.

3. Metaphor: Comparing unlike things.

4. Personification: Attributing human qualities to non-human entities.

5. Rhetorical Questions: Asking questions for effect.

Recognizing these errors can help you critically evaluate arguments and make more informed decisions logically.

Moreover, ‘Logic’ is the systematic study of reasoning and argumentation, focusing on the principles and methods for evaluating information, constructing arguments, and making informed decisions.


1. Deductive Logic: Concerned with certain and absolute conclusions.

2. Inductive Logic: Deals with probable conclusions based on evidence.

3. Abductive Logic: Involves making educated guesses or hypotheses.

4. Symbolic Logic: Uses symbols and formal languages to represent logical relationships.

5. Mathematical Logic: Applies logical principles to mathematical reasoning.


1. Proposition: A statement that can be true or false.

2. Premise: A statement supporting a conclusion.

3. Conclusion: The inferred result of premises.

4. Inference: The process of drawing conclusions.

5. Argument: A set of premises and conclusions.

6. Validity: The property of an argument’s logical structure.

7. Soundness: The property of an argument’s truth and validity.

You also need to learn and know that universal characteristics of language include being representative, symbolic, conventional, arbitrary, creative, etc.


The total package of salvation in Jesus Christ include:


1. Forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 1:7)

2. Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21)

3. Reconciliation with God (Romans 5:10)

4. Eternal life (John 3:16)

5. Adoption as God’s children (Ephesians 1:5)

6. Spiritual rebirth (John 3:3-7)


1. Peace (John 14:27)

2. Joy (John 15:11)

3. Hope (Romans 5:2-5)

4. Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

5. Love (1 John 3:1)


1. Healing (Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17)

2. Protection (Psalm 91)

3. Provision (Matthew 6:33)

4. Strength (Philippians 4:13)


1. Heaven (John 14:2-3)

2. Eternal glory (2 Corinthians 4:17)

3. Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:50-54)

4. New heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-4)

As leaders in the Nigerian Christian community at NSCEA, we cannot continue to tolerate and watch the body of Christ in this predicament of yours, we are compelled to address these errors and ensure the integrity of our shared faith. We urge you to:

1. Publicly retract and correct these false teachings.

2. Engage in theological dialogue with reputable scholars to clarify and deepen your understanding.

3. Align your ministry with the orthodox, evangelical and pentecostal teachings of Christianity or back out completely.

It is always good to know enough to realise that you do not know enough.

Dr. Abel Damina, you have crossed the line, and you are therefore no more a representative of Christianity (The Body of Christ) in Nigeria.

We remain committed to upholding the truth and unity of the Body of Christ in Nigeria.

Sincerely yours,


Bishop Professor Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies

Secretary, Elders’ Council,

Nigerian Supreme Council for Ecclesiastical Affairs (NSCEA).


Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)

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Julius Adegunna, a writer, and publisher of good news and reports. He is also a trainer in Writing and Publishing, a Media Consultant and an Entrepreneur. A 1987 Graduate of International Relations of the University of Ife, (Now Obafemi Awolowo University) with Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, and Master in Communication Studies of Lagos State University. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

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